An architect and urban planner, Perween Rahman, dedicated her life to the poor of Pakistan. She was shot dead by armed assailants on her way home in March 2013. When […]
An architect and urban planner, Perween Rahman, dedicated her life to the poor of Pakistan. She was shot dead by armed assailants on her way home in March 2013. When […]
Interested in buying the book Planet of Cities: Action towards UN Sustainable Development Goals in English? Scroll down and fill out the form and follow payment instructions Oppdatering: fysisk bok […]
Regjeringen foreslår nå å kutte tilskuddet til UN Habitat for å styrke COVID 19 innsatsen. UN Habitat har tatt en ledende rolle innenfor FN mht. å bekjempe COVID 19, og […]
Uttalelsen ble oversendt Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet, HER, Oslo 09.11.20. I kopi: Utenriksdepartementet, Klima- og miljødepartementet, Direktoratet for utviklingssamarbeid Habitat Norge (HN) er […]
The publication Report from a Webinar on: Pandemics and Future Cities by Habitat Norway is now available. Preface It is undeniable that we are living through a process of profound […]
Høringsformat og uttalelse til SPU- Etikkutvalgets NOU 2020: 7 Verdier og ansvar Fra Habitat-Norge, avgitt 19. oktober 2020. Høringsformat Habitat Norge (HN) er en frivillig organisasjon for by- og boligspørsmål […]
Presented at Webinar Pandemics and Future Cities, October 5th, 2020 Excellencies, Ministers, ladies and gentlemen, It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome participants and speakers from all corners […]
Oslo, 5. oktober, kl. 15 -18. Den internasjonale Habitat dagen. Webinar: Pandemics and Future Cities. I samarbeid med FNs bosettingsprogram (UN Habitat). Påmelding: www.habitat-norge.org/whd-pandemics-and-future-cities/ Kontaktperson: Erik Berg Kristiansand, […]
Webinar on Pandemics and Future Cities Monday 5 October, 3-6pm CET The United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN HABITAT) in April/May this year started developing a new flagship report: “The […]
The seminar A Change of Mindset? Perspectives on Place and Architecture as a Collective Art is the first “Urban Thinkers Campus” ever held in Norway. A direct result of the cooperation […]