On the 2nd of October at 9.15 am, Habitat Norway, in cooperation with the Norwegian and Oslo Housing and City Planning Association, is pleased to invite you to an open international conference on urbanization and affordable housing. The conference will focus on the implementation of the housing targets as reflected in the UN “Sustain-able Development Goals” (SDG) and the “New Urban Agenda” (NUA). It will be arranged by Habitat Norway on 2 October, at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, University of Oslo, as part of “Urban October” arrangements in five major Norwegian cities.

Date: 2nd of October 2017, starting at 9.15
Place: Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Scroll down for map.
Entrance: Free
Registration: Open for all. Scroll down or click here for registration

Rapid urbanisation, particularly in Africa and Asia, creates serious challenges for secure tenure, housing and sustainable urban development. Housing and housing finance approaches will be decisive for urban equity, ecology and economy. The Norwegian Parliament on 31 May 2017 unanimously decided to ask Cabinet how the “New Urban Agenda” could be implemented in an appropriate manner. One important goal of the conference is thus within the global context to contribute to this response. Against this background we present the following programme:




