Date: Tuesday 14 November 2023
Time: 17:30 – 20:30 pm (ECT)
Location: Byens tak, Oslo
Language: English
A global webinar & Free admission: registration below
Organizers: Habitat Norway, UN-Habitat, Byens Tak
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Habitat Norway, UN HABITAT & Byens Tak are inviting to a global webinar addressing the growing food-related shocks and stresses and the opportunity for cities to build a resilient food system
The impacts of climate change, growing tensions between countries, and knock-on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting all aspects of food systems, are some of the reasons to call for an urgent need to improve the resilience and sustainability of food systems across urban and rural territories.
More than half of the world’s population live in urban areas. Numbers are increasing fast. Cities are responsible for 2.8 billion tons of organic waste, mostly food. More than 70 percent of global CO2 emissions each year are produced here. Supporting cities in building food system resilience is now more important than ever.
Cities cannot produce enough food to feed their population from within their boundaries. They are intrinsically connected with their surrounding peri-urban and rural areas by flows of people, goods, food, natural resources, and ecosystem services. There is an urgent need for cities to pivot towards more resilient and regenerative food systems, to build resilience against current and future shocks and stresses.
In collaboration with its partners, this global webinar by UN HABITAT and Habitat Norway will share ideas on how to address the growing food-related shocks and stresses, and the opportunities that cities can leverage to build a resilient food system. The event will be a unique opportunity to highlight the inter-connection between urbanization, climate emergency, food systems, and multi-pronged crises. Recognizing the critical connection between people, politics, policies, place, and cities in shaping food systems, we call for greater understanding of crises and their impacts, and the need for urgent development of actions to build several forms and pathways for urban food system resilience capacities: preventative, anticipatory, absorptive, adaptative, and transformative.It is expected that the outcome of the meeting will inform and influence the operationalization of the Norwegian government’s recently launched “food safety strategy” as well as other relevant stakeholders. The event aims to propose measures that would strengthen the capacities of local governments and food system stakeholders so that targeted decisions, interventions, and actions are taken to reduce food system vulnerability across the urban-rural continuum.
17:30 Opening session
- Welcome: Eilert B. Ellefsen, Habitat Norway & Rodeo / Byens Tak
- Welcome: moderator Helene Gallis, Fragment A/S
- Anne B. Tvinnereim, Minister of International Development, Norway
- Welcome: Bjørg Sandkjær, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
18:00 “The Urban – Rural linkages Guiding Principles”
- Speaker: Raf Tuts, Director Global Solutions, UN Habitat
18:10 Keynote speech
- Isis Nunez Ferrera, PhD, Lead – Programming in Urban Areas, Emergencies & Transitions Unit, World Food Programme | Headquarters | Rome, Italy
18:45 Global Panel discussion: showcasing good practices
- Mozambique – Mr. Jose MATSINHE FAO Project Manager of “Resilient Reconstruction: An integrated and territorial approach to Sofala Province”
- Malawi – Mr. Zilire LUKA Executive Director, Centre for Community Organization and Development
- Kenya – Prof. Isaac MWANGI KARANJA, Director of Centre for Urban Rural Linkages in Africa
- Rome, Italy – Stineke OENEMA, Executive Secretary at UN Nutrition
- Ann Trevenen JONES, Programme Lead, Food Systems Governance Programme, GAIN (Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition)
19:30 Concluding panel
- Dr. Maria N. REUTERSWARD, Researcher, Chalmers University, Sweden
- Jill Tove Buseth, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Karsten Gjefle, Royal Norwegian Society for Welfare Development
The Global Panel will complement the Concluding panel.
20:00 The way forward
Guido Santini, Programme Co-ordinator, City Region Food Systems, FAO: Building resilience to multiple shocks In city region food systems: some key messages
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