Årsmøte i Habitat Norge 2025
Styret i Habitat Norge (HN) innkaller til et hybrid årsmøte torsdag 24. april kl. 17:00, med mulighet for fysisk eller digital deltakelse. Årsmøtet starter med en kort innledning om Habitat […]
Styret i Habitat Norge (HN) innkaller til et hybrid årsmøte torsdag 24. april kl. 17:00, med mulighet for fysisk eller digital deltakelse. Årsmøtet starter med en kort innledning om Habitat […]
On behalf of UN-Habitat, UCLG, Habitat Norway and VibeLab we would like to invite you to a third webinar of our peer review series Safer Cities by our Neighbourhoods For All initiative. This time focusing on the role of civil society in shaping safer and more inclusive cities.
On behalf of UN-Habitat, UCLG, Habitat Norway and VibeLab we would like to invite you to a second webinar of our peer review series Safer Cities by our Neighbourhoods For All initiative. This time focusing on Nighttime Governance – Ensuring Safe Cities for Women and Girls.
Habitat Norway, UN-Habitat and VibeLab are collaborating to promote the sharing of knowledge and learning between cities, civil society and other actors from around the world. The aim is to […]
The impacts of climate change, growing tensions between countries, and knock-on effects of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting all aspects of food systems, are some of the reasons to call for an urgent need to improve the resilience and sustainability of food systems across urban and rural territories.
In collaboration with its partners, this global webinar by UN HABITAT and Habitat Norway will share ideas on how to address the growing food-related shocks and stresses, and the opportunities that cities can leverage to build a resilient food system.
Habitat Norway, UN-Habitat and VibeLab are collaborating to promote the sharing of knowledge and learning between cities, civil society and other actors from around the world. Kick-off webinar 30.10.2023, 2-3 […]
GJENOPPBYGGING I UKRAINAHva kan – og bør – Norge bidra med? Konferanse i Polyteknisk forening, Rosenkrantz gate 7, OsloMandag 2. oktober 2023 kl. 16.00 – 19.00Arrangører: Kommunenes organisasjon – KS, […]
Housing is a basic need and a human right. Norway needs new housing policies and practices to provide affordable housing for all. Commodification of housing must stop to be replaced by effective welfare policies. As input to Government’s new housing whitepaper (2024) Habitat Norway with partners have invited leading international experts to present innovative thinking and approaches.
Neighbourhoods – public spaces for everybody was the Habitat Norway event in Oslo as part of Urban October 2022. The event was organised in partnership with the Oslo Architecture Triennale […]
The event Urban Rivers: Connecting people, cities and rivers was organized by Habitat Norway, UN-Habitat, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The event took place in the […]