Infrastructure 2013: Water, presentations

The first ‘Infrastructure 2013’ seminar was held 20 March in Oslo, looking at access to safe water and water managment in growing cities. Below you find the presentations held at the seminar (presentations from Jørgen E. Magdahl/FIVAS and Henrik Lindblom/Habitat Norge only in Norwegian).

Nyliberale strategier for urbane vanntjenester – makt og fordeling
Jørgen E. Magdahl, Foreningen for Internasjonale Vannstudier (FIVAS)

Vanntilgang – mer enn bare kvantitative variabler? Case Luanda
Henrik Lindblom, Habitat Norge

Water and sewage systems for future cities. Cases: New York and Bangalore
Petter D Jenssen, Universitetet for Miljø og Biovitenskap (UMB)